Friday, January 13, 2006

Cover Models vs No Cover Models

I have a question for anyone who wants to answer it. How important are cover models when you decide to purchase a book? Are you more eager to spend your money on a IR book when there's an IR couple on the front? Or would you rather if just be a nice picture with a title and you can envision the couple in your mind?


Rachel Cade said...

cover models dont make a difference to me
I look at the story--sometimes i am not remotely attracted to cover models
I have very extravagant taste in men lol sometimes they dont fit my criteria:)

Marie Rochelle said...

Hmmm.. I can agree with you on that one. Sometimes I LOVE the book and hate the cover model. I want the book keep me reading regardless of the cover model. However, on the other hand sometimes the male model is what draws me to read the book.

Unknown said...

I enjoy IR reads about BW/WM. So cover models depicting
them definitely helps. Unfortunately, I find a lot of the cover models and or paintings on most ebooks very disappointing.