Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Dangerous Bet: Troy's Revenge Coming Soon

Everyone! I have wonderful news! I just signed a new contract with Red Rose Publishing for my book Dangerous Bet: Troy's Revenge. The release date is June 19th. If the date changes I'll let everyone know.
Marie Rochelle


IR LOVER said...

Okay, this is so cool!

Do you have an excerpt that I can read?

You are really on a roll girl with your writing.

It also proves that the writing doesn't have to be raunchy to sell.

Even though I like raunch every now and then. LOL!

But I love your stories, it's like reading good old fashioned romance, that's kicked up a couple of notches.

Marie Rochelle said...

Thank you so much. I'm very excited about this. I hope my fans fall in love with Troy.

Marie Rochelle