Sunday, October 23, 2005

Sending out queries letter

Well. I've been working hard the last couple of days on another query letter to send to literary agents. Hopefully, this one will more attention to my book that the last one I mailed out.

I've a very good feeling that this one might just be the one to get my foot into the door. But if it doesn't I'll just keep trying and working hard until I hear the words that I want too.

I want to thank everyone who has taken time to answer my questions or post comments of their own. It helps out a lot to know that there are other people out there going through the same thing as me.

Maybe when I post here again I will have some good news.

Wait! I do have a quick question. Does anyone know of any publishers that will accept an interracial mss without an agent? I already tried the two that I know of.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Writing IR books

I feel as a writer who's trying to break out into the mainstream with my first IR novel (WM/BW). I've found it very hard to get someone(agents/publishers) to read my entire mss. A few agents have requested the first 40 or 50 pages, but I always get it back with the same notes other struggling writers get.

"Thank you so much for you time, but you're not quite what I'm looking for." "Or you've a good story but sorry I can't take you on at the moment.Good luck in finding a publisher."

I want someone to jump ahead of the line and say "Yes!" "I want to take a chance on your book and introduce you to the world of romance." But I don't see that happening in the near future.

My book doesn't have any baby mama drama or family who's against the hero and heroine dating outside their race. My mss is a wonderful love story between two characters that overcome the emotional demons to find their way to each other.

I don't want to come across as bitter or like I want this handed to me on a silver platter. The only thing I'm asking for is that the writing world stop looking for the same old receipe when it comes to an IR romacne and give some new authors a fair chance.

Here's my question for the day.

1) Do you really think that a new writer who follows the same of recipe for writing an IR romance will get a book deal quicker than one who go outside the box with the way the writing world is moving right now?

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The world of an Interracial Romance Writer.

Well. I don't know how to start this so here goes nothing. I've wanted to write books from a very young age, but I never had the time or a critique partner to help me out. So I just left it along and started doing other things. However, two years ago the thought popped into my head again and I decided to give it a chance.

Now, I've finsihed one complete mss and working on the sequel. In addition, I joined a group with a bunch of wonderful people to help critique my writing. (I need all the help I can get.)
I haven't gotten any offers for it yet. But several agents and publisher have liked the characters and storyline. However the best compliment was I have *Talent*
But I'm having very hard time getting my IR romance published out there in the mainstream market especially without an agent.

Now on to the questions:

(1)Do you think it harder to get an IR book published when the main charcters invovle a white man with a black woman?

(2) Do you like seeing an IR couple (models) on the front of your book or would you rather have a title with cover art?

(3) Do you think more famour or well-established writers should try to write IR romances.

(4) Do you like it better when the hero and heroine have an instant attraction to get each(I don't mean have sex on the front date, not that there's any wrong with that.) But do you reading the build-up in the relationship before they tangle the sheets?

Thanks for your comments!