Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Back at work

Since I finished my part for the IMRR book I can start back working on Slow Sedutction and Blinsided. Both my hero are more than a little upset that I spent the past week with a man that wasn't them, so I need to show them some attention.

Until next time,

Marie Rochelle


Marie Rochelle said...


First I would like to thank you for coming by and visiting my blog again.

All of my stories are IR romances BW/WM. That's what I've always wanted to write.

I've only contracted one book so far which is called "Taken by Storm." I'm waiting of the revisions and then hopefully after I finish them, TBS will be out there for readers to buy.

Thank you so much for you compliment. I try to write romances that I hope readers want to spend their hard earned money on.

I'll will write down your email address and email you as soon as I get any new information.

I can let you know that I'm steadily working on two more IR romances and I hope to get them sumbitted before the year is out.

Marie Rochelle

Marie Rochelle said...

You are very welcome. I want my future readers to know that I'm trying my best to answer any questions they may have.

If you have any more please ask them.

Marie Rochelle